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Orlin Baev

web | Transpersonal psychology. Sacred sexuality

Sexuality and Self-actualization

The sexual drive in us is the fuel, the energy, needed for all affective and cognitive processes. When this powerful nuclear energy is used in raw and non-processed form, as primitive passion, lust and primitive pleasure, the process looks like the eruption of a volcano. If your aim is to get warm and satisfy your basic need of joy and harmony in a direct and primitive way, it is possible you to obtain them - at least for a while... However, the volcanic eruptions of the primitive raw lust will for sure not only please your soul, but will also burn to ashes the possibility for its qualitative existence in its body bearer.

The term "self-actualization" is introduced in the contemporary psychology by Abraham Maslow and is used in the sense of achieving internal mental integrity and harmony, joy of the existence, as well as in the sense of achieving social realization and social inclusion of full value.

In fact, the qualitative social realization is only a result from the internal mental harmony, joy, will, healthy motivation for achievements and ambition and mental light, i.e. developed cognition.

The sublime sexual intercourse ensures secure hormonal, neurotransmitter, emotional and mental basis, on the basis of which the individual builds his/her self-actualization. From my personal experience I have found out that in the course of realization the importance and mastering of sex, besides complete mental integrity, spontaneous joy and harmony, increasing healthy motivation for achievements also appear. Achievements such as internal mental and social ones. This is one healthy ambition, which pushes towards activity, social and professional self-actualization and successes. For a person with bursting joy and clearly open consciousness, the difficulties turn into joyful steps, meant for a pleasant walk along the road to success. This success is already internally achieved - in the form of braveness, assertiveness, mental balance, mental power, clear cognition and keen mind, developed intuition and spontaneous naturalness. The social success is just an inevitable projection of these internal qualities.

Sexuality and Self-realization

If self-actualization is an application of the internal mental integrity in social plan, then self-realization is widening of the self-consciousness to another wider and complete, cosmic degree of the consciousness.

The aspiration to self-realization looks like the flight of a space ship to a distant place. The space ship needs fuel - if it needs antimatter as fuel (I speak conditionally, of course), then the seeker of widening of the consciousness needs mental (the mental energy is always sexual) energy. The sexual energy in the human mental-physical organism is like the antimatter for a space ship. It comes from another world - from the world of immortal, blissful and wise consciousness. The sexual energy is a condenser of Love - that Love, which builds worlds, gives sense to everything.

The experiences in the process of widening of the consciousness require strong psyche, saturated with the vitality of the sexual (mental) energy. They require bursting with life, braveness and love consciousness. That is why I claim that the mastering of the sexual power is a key moment in the aspirations of the individual towards self-realization and the turning of the concrete steps on the road of its achieving from abstract theory into actual individual experience.



© Orlin Baev
© Galina Markina - translated from bulgarian
© E-publisher LiterNet, 29.12.2010
Orlin Baev. Transpersonal psychology. Sacred sexuality. Varna: LiterNet, 2010.