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Orlin Baev
web | Transpersonal
psychology. Sacred sexuality
Yesterday by coincidence I came across an article on the Internet on the webpage:
www.zagrada.bg, which included an interview with Mrs. Irina Papancheva, a deputy
major in the municipality of the capital city of Sofia on the issues of integration
of disabled people. I got to think on the shared issues:
The marginal position of disabled people in our country, conditioned by
the discriminating mentality of the Bulgarian, being reflected at social
and administrative level too
Lack of social and professional integration of these people
Lack of legal regulations in our country to regulate assistance of people
with permanent disabilities
The inadequate salaries of social workers in the sphere of disability help
The stigmatic attitude towards stammering people in Bulgaria and total
ignorance about the specific problems of people with such specific speech
Correlates between the individual and the "social individuality"
Human psyche is a complex multidimensional system from mutually communicating
mental structures and instances, mutually dependant and connected. Human
society like the individual psyche is built up of complex weaving of social
structures, institutions and mutually dependant systems.
The social practice reflects the sum of individual minds of individuals
of this society and is subject to the same mechanisms which rule the individual
mind, projected in the social sphere. It could be symbolically said, that
a social community - on local, state or planet scale is a kind of a group
personality with his organs - institutions, psychoenergetics - economic
processes and mental governmental structures and their motions - the political
and legal structures and processes. If this comparison goes further, the
communicative skills of the personality would be parallel to the journalistic
and media functions in the perspective of society, the digestive system
would correspond to agriculture and rural activities etc. Each function
of an individual organism has its precise parallel in the group organism
of the so called Group or Social Personality - i.e., Society.
In this specific issue we are interested in the mental structures of the
individual and their social equivalents. If the association zones of the
cerebral system of the correlate to their higher governmental and legal
structures, and the old brain structures of the sub-cortex - with the higher
officials and mechanisms of the Social Personality, while the vegetative
nervous system would be a reflection of the individual psyche of the common
man from society. Of course, correlates of this order could be specified
in details and extended, but this is beyond the purpose of this article.
By these arguments I only illustrate my claim that the social structures
of human community are conscious or unconscious projection, a metaphoric
reflection of the sum of individual psycho-physical structures and processes
of the individuals comprising this society.
Neurotic state of society nowadays and the attitude towards disabled people
Contemporary psychology is a diverse bunch of schools many of which present
their individual topical and processing model of mental functioning. For
the purpose of this paper I would apply only the most simplified model of
the psycho-dynamic school and some elements of Analytical Psychology. The
above mentioned schools understand human psyche as a permanent exchange
between the so called mental structures of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Self-consciousness, i.e., the Self, is a basic characteristic of the consciousness,
while the unconscious, i.e. "Id" is a mental instance including within the
whole previous human experience in the form of drives, instincts, and the
still unexploited potential of human cognition.
When an individual does not want or cannot integrate a stressful fact conflict
or process, together with its affective (emotional) components the mental
energy of the conflict content, which is not integrated by the Self, is
being pushed down in the unconscious, in the Freudian "Id", in the "Shadow"
according to Jung. I am using both mental instances "Id" and the "Shadow"
as identical since many authorities in psychology think them as semantically
identical. At the personal functional level this dissociation is a result
of the moral censorship, believes, unsuccessful strife to control or the
inability of mental integration of the Self. Such lack of conscientiousness
is typical of an individual apt to be neurotic.
In the same way, when a social structure does not want or is incapable
of integrating unwanted social community as a result of its people’s mentality,
its distorted believes and moral supremacy complex, this community is being
made marginal, deprived of economic adequacy, social exchange and professional
realization. I refer now to disabled people, but the same process can be
referred to the minorities too. Such a social "dissociation" analogous to
the mental process at the individual level of functioning) as a result of
people’s mentality, active also at governmental and administrative and legal
level too is a manifestation of explicit complexes in the mentality of this
people. Such people’s mentality and psyche are typical of undeveloped countries.
In connection with this I would like to wish to the inhabitants of this
European state - Bulgaria who officially made a decisive step towards it
progress and economical development by joining the European Union, to make
efforts to develop its abilities to integrate in every respect and especially
in relation to disabled people.
At inter-mental level, the inability to integrate the unwanted facts and
conflicts and their dissociation in the unconscious causes gradually neurosis
of the individual. The higher level of neurotics heavily burdens the person
and amplifies its manifestations. Gradually the light and harmless symptoms
and weirdness deepen, the mental discomfort of the individual gets stronger
and the whole functioning of the individual is influenced in each sphere
of his life until the symptoms of neurosis are being developed. In the psychoanalysis
of Sigmund Freud neurosis is maladaptive unconscious strategy of
the psychological mechanism for management with the traumatic situations
dissociated affective experiences from the past, manifesting specifically
in the evolvement of the type of neurosis through its symptoms.
In order to explain the same process at the level of society I would use
the concept of "collective unconscious" of Carl Gustav Jung. In the
above described process of marginalization and denial of certain social
groups such as disabled people in the collective unconscious of the society
is accumulated unexpressed affective strain which is symptomatically manifested
in the higher level of neurotics of the society as a whole - neurotics,
which may escalate into more "neuroses" of social aggressiveness and crime,
narcissism, social worry, dissociating alienation between people, hysteric
ethic paralysis, maladaptive behavior, neurasthenia and psychosthenia...
The present lines do not mean to claim that the attitude towards disabled
people is the only factor of the social neurosis and psychosis, which is
obvious in contemporary society. I am only claiming that it is a basic and
significant element in the process of symptom formation of the social psychopathia
in countries from the third world such as Bulgaria (I hope that soon our
country will deserve another, more satisfactory classification). Other important
elements are the distorted system of values, the suggestively reinforced
violence, egocentrism and commonplacedness by the public media and the consciously
supported by the society ignorance referring life in general an dour place
in it, these and other such factors making our society a puppet for manipulations
by the financial establishment of our planet.
Emotional and Social Intelligence and Maturity and the Attitude Towards
the Disabled People
The foundation of the processes described above, of unconscious resistance
against existence of disabled people, their denial and pushing them away
at the margins of society is the lack of emotional and social intelligence
of the members of society in reference towards their own intra-mental vulnerabilities
- lack which causes personal maladaptivity, mental disintegration and neuroticism.
These products of emotional and social disintelligence are projected unconsciously
and automatically at collective level towards the vulnerable part of society
- disabled people. And this, as described, causes their economic, social
and professional repression and marginalization.
Emotional intelligence (EI) and its result - social intelligence (SI) in
contemporary psychology are recognition and management of emotional life
in such a way as to serve the wellbeing of mental life of man and his social
interaction. This is a correct but two-dimensional concept. In order to
complexly define this mental function we need look at it through the prism
of the totality of human psyche.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize one's emotional
nature, its motions in the mental organism and to skillfully direct them.
On the one hand, emotional intelligence is the art of mental sublimation
and on the other hand, if mental substantiation. Sublimation is the
mastership to consciously harness your passionate and destructive driven
nature (Eros - Tanatos, Libido - Mortido) in the chariot of mind and direct
the bridles of free will in the direction of progressing self-knowledge.
Substantiation is a process of manifestation and application of the
mental integration acquired in everyday life which could be expressed metaphorically
as the snail biting its tail. The kernel of both processes is conscious
Thus EI and SI manifested collectively in social aspect are the ability
of social leaders to join the energy of all social groups in the process
of perfecting social relations reaching unified harmonious exchange toward
a broader integration of society in acquiring social self-actualization
(Maslow). This process of social transformation, integration and actualization
should be situated in the structural frames of appropriate system of values
in accord with the initial life and it should be guided by governors who
besides knowledge possess wisdom too. When the authorities are extremely
egocentric and unintelligent emotionally and socially, the result is chaos
- both in the individual human mind and the social, state and international
activities. If individual choice of will stands in the center of self-consciousness
of the individual, social choice of will is represented by the political
and economic systems at the level of the state.
If we do not change our attitude towards disabled people and which have
been treated as incapable and inadequate, if we do not include them in the
social and economic processes and if we do not abolish the stigma branded
by our political and social immaturity, we would never be able to step further
on our way of a nation evolving in moral and economic respect!
© Orlin Baev
© Galina Markina - translated from bulgarian
© E-publisher LiterNet, 29.12.2010
Orlin Baev. Transpersonal psychology. Sacred sexuality. Varna: LiterNet, 2010.