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Boryana Ruzhekova-Rogozherova

web | Language Awareness...

The current study unambiguously witnesses to the strong connection between CgT, implemented by means of LA enhancement through LLS application, and learners’ knowledge and LM improvement. The more elaborate and adequate MR are, the better students’ communicative competence parameters become, the higher their desire to actively participate in ELT (ESP) teaching / learning process grows, the more responsibility they assume for their learning achievements.

As a result of examination of essential and most frequently applied in author’s work LLS it can be stated that:

All cognitive approaches function as complementary to each other, contributing to LA parameters enhancement, through highlighting, attention, alertness, noticing and analysis.

Different strategies implementation proportions vary with respect to teaching context, which includes parameters such as learners’ profile, abilities, interests, EN / NL / FL1 knowledge, preferred learning strategies by students, taught categories essence, EFL, ESP course features, lecturer / students’ teaching / learning objectives, etc.

Most of presented to readers’ attention strategies can be taught either independently, to some extent, or jointly with others, as it is most frequently the case, depending on the teaching circumstances.

CT and CpT (usually jointly implemented) function as really powerful procedures, relying on contrastively and comparatively presenting taught categories in the purpose of fighting interlanguage and intralanguage interference and benefitting from positive transfer. Based on human ability to carry out conscious and unconscious comparisons within a language system and / or two or more language systems (NL / FL1 / FL2), preconditioning inner translation in FL learning, CT and CpT have turned out to be efficient in terms of highlighting, elucidation, and, thus, in LA improvement, revealing transfer and devising suitable sub strategies aimed at better presenting convergences / divergences in terms of form / semantics / use and, this way, at better and more convincingly displaying examined language material features. It needs also to be stated that most of enumerated in the study cognitive approaches can be applied within CT and CpT, facilitating and corroborating these procedures.

Properly applying LLS leads not only to improved LA, but also to enhanced EFL (ESP) LM, both LM and LA being mutually supporting and complementing phenomena.

It is relevant to affirm, with respect to theoretically and practically revealed LA / LM interconnection, that enhanced LA invariably leads, under the conditions of responsive, innovative and supportive environment, to superior LM; it must be also stated that improved LM likewise preconditions LA strengthening by means of better interest and affective factors, greatly contributing to noticing, attention, comprehension and, thus, to success. Such a conclusion can be considered of importance to contemporary communicatively and cognitively focused ELT, ESP (and FLT in general), meant to encourage, inspire and support learners towards the achievement of higher communicative competence, conform to their general and individual needs and objectives. The above facts need to be also taken into account with respect to lecturers’ (teachers’) work motivation, professional involvement and accomplishments, learner / lecturer (teacher) motivation being positively interconnected. The better learners perform, the more enthusiastic lecturers (teachers) are about applying creative and successful teaching strategies, and, the more innovative lecturers (teachers) are, the more interested in learning and cooperating students grow, in class work, lecturer-guided or in individual activities. What is more, learners’ enhanced LM greatly contributes to LrA, already witnessing to a really high degree of achieved learner involvement.



© Boryana Ruzhekova-Rogozherova
© E-publisher LiterNet, 10.05.2018
Boryana Ruzhekova-Rogozherova. Language Awareness, Language Learning Strategies, Contrastive and Comparative Teaching in ELT and ESP. Varna: LiterNet, 2018