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web | Black book of the Endangered Species

So he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sward which
turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Genesis: 3:24

The eye of the storm is a cherub's eye*
watching the city - the mother of whores;
a radio sings: "Time, time, time, time

is on my side." Now the twister outside
moves - like the finger of God - back and forth.
The eye of the storm is a cherub's eye.

The song of the birds is broken - that's why
the sun's growing darker, winter gets hot.
Time, time, time, time is on my side.

The streets are murky, the towers stand bright,
the house is deserted, the wind slams doors...
The eye of the storm is a cherub's eye.

The shadows stretch in the evening green light -
the finger of Science shifts back and forth.
Time, time, time, time is on my side...

The fallen city is towering high.
A radio echoes from empty stores:
Time, time, time, time... is on my side.
The eye of the storm is a cherub's eye.


* "Cherub: ... Egypt: many-winged, covered with eyes, symbolizing the night-sky, religion, and vigilance...Bible: at the East Gate of the Garden of Eden, armed with 'a flaming sword, which turned every way'(= lightning): connected with the Calendar Wheel... executors of God's will... from many texts appears that also the cherubim of the Ark of Covenant were meant to symbolize stormy, cloudy skies, with lightning..."Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery: Amsterdam-London: North Holland Publ. Comp., 1974. (See also "The Refugee": The clock with the two swords...)

The quotations from the Bible are in the King James' Version.



© Vladimir Levchev
© Електронно издателство LiterNet, 12.10.2004
Владимир Левчев. Черна книга на застрашените видове. / Black Book of the Endangered Species. Варна: LiterNet, 2004

Други публикации:
Владимир Левчев. Черна книга на застрашените видове. / Black Book of the Endangered Species. USA by Word Works <http://wordworksdc.com>, Washington, 1999.