in the Age of Media, Computers, and Internet
In one of his essays Walter Benjamin tells the story about his “discovery”, which he has had made during a hashish session in Marseille. The revelation has been that the water is wet. This he calls die triviale (profane) Erleuchtung. It is well known that the literature has the capacity of building parallel worlds, which extend the real one through complex and tricky phenomenological procedures. In its “classical” condition, upon paper bearer, the literature excludes the trivial insight because the literature rests on educational standarts and Weltanschauung, not on “dedigitizing” of our habits and so called aprioristic truths.
But Internet like Benjamin’s hashish makes illusions similar to the trivial insight. Everybody feels himself free to be an author and to continue, to finish and to “create” quite new text. Thanks to the frames of the screen - to discover unforeseen hypograms in the texts on the Net. Everybody can rely on software programs which combine words, considering that their combinations are true texts. And to believes that he is truly a witness of the birth of one new literature.